
South King News

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with King County rise or fall in 2021?

Webp tractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in King County received $6.6 million more in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 1,236 farmers in cities within King County received a total of $17.8 million in 2,015 farm subsidies, a 58.7% increase from 2020, when the total was $11.2 million in 2,641 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with King County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Northwest Wine Promotion Coalition$840,251$890,9616%
Fishermen's Finest, Inc.$0$250,000--
T & L Nursery, Inc.$0$250,000--
Ocean Storm Fisheries, Inc.$0$250,000--
B & N Fisheries Company$0$250,000--
Meddar Corporation$0$250,000--
Ocean Peace, Inc.$0$250,000--
Pacific Dawn, LLC$0$250,000--
Royal American Fisheries, LLC$0$250,000--
Dona Martita, LLC$0$250,000--
F-V Kona Rose, Inc.$0$250,000--
Seabed Surveyor, LLC$0$247,500--
Argosy Fisheries$0$234,532--
Fury Group, Inc.$0$218,328--
Cape Blanco Fishing, LP$0$216,833--
Great West Seafoods L. P.$0$214,007--
England Fisheries, Inc.$0$212,947--
Pacific Sun, LLC$0$189,379--
JJ Brenner Oyster Company, Inc.$0$177,568--
Far West Fisheries, LLC$0$175,000--
Hat, LLC$0$175,000--
Tapenade, Inc.$0$166,290--
Lucas Fisheries, LLC$0$152,576--
Lone Larsen, LLC$0$138,456--
Keller Dairy, LLC$664,121$137,865-79.2%
New Blue North, LLC$0$137,500--
Vesteraalen, LLC$0$137,002--
Overa Fisheries, LLC$0$136,541--
Michael Meints$0$136,303--
Ole D. Haynes$0$133,624--
Kip R. Carroll$0$133,125--
Frontier Spirit, LLC$0$130,229--
King Blossom Natural, LLC$0$126,256--
Blue Gadus, LLC$0$125,000--
EHP, LLC$0$124,630--
Green Acres Dairy$210,878$121,105-42.6%
Frontier Mariner, LLC$0$119,771--
Heavy Duty, LLC$0$116,130--
Primus Fisheries, LLC$0$113,938--
H Cinco, LLC$0$112,224--
Golden Shamrock, Inc.$0$110,959--
Aleutian Spray Fisheries$0$110,237--
Stuart L. Deal$0$103,942--
Sterling Dairy, LLC$25,403$102,353302.9%
Barbara H Fishing LP$0$102,124--
The Nature Conservancy$96,594$100,0003.5%
Premier Seafood, Inc.$0$98,019--
Kells Incorporated$0$96,994--
Bristol Mariner, LLC$0$92,672--
John Liddicoat$0$86,312--
Krabbe Venture, LLC$0$85,909--
Cornelia Marie Fisheries, LLC$0$83,678--
Triple S Farms$83,552$83,5520%
Quandary Fishing, Inc.$0$82,564--
Traveler Fisheries, LLC$0$81,244--
Marie Johanson$0$79,853--
Ryan James Tarabochia$0$78,542--
Flying Joseph Ranch, LLC$37,059$76,674106.9%
Westfall Fisheries, LLC$0$74,479--
Alsea Fisheries Partnership$0$74,078--
Cape Caution, Inc.$0$72,917--
F-V Middleton, Inc.$0$72,818--
Aleutian Mariner, LLC$0$71,983--
North American, Inc.$0$71,645--
Alaskan Mariner, LLC$0$68,573--
El Pescadero Loco, LLC$0$68,553--
Pacific Wind, LLC$0$67,453--
Local Roots Farm, Inc.$0$66,142--
Ferrigno Boy Fishing LP$0$66,029--
Nordic Mariner, LLC$0$65,714--
Deception Fisheries, Inc.$0$64,090--
K & L Partnership$69,721$63,693-8.6%
Northern Mariner, LLC$0$63,215--
Edward J. Cunningham$0$63,042--
Dineen Family Vineyards, LLC$0$59,589--
Sharon Martin$64,574$59,402-8%
Arctic Mariner, LLC$0$57,081--
Sno-Valley Mushrooms, LLC$0$56,734--
Hotspur, Inc.$0$56,364--
American Forest Lands, LLC$0$52,875--
George Anderson, LLC$0$52,875--
Cherry Valley Logging Company$0$52,875--
Jacob E. Pipes$0$52,716--
Drew Logging, Inc.$0$52,103--
Minaki Charters$0$51,739--
Garrett H. Olsen$0$51,416--
Haida Warrior, Inc.$0$51,389--
Celtic Seas, Inc.$0$50,546--
TJL Ranch, LLC$48,953$49,0150.1%
Western Mariner, LLC$0$48,126--
Katherine Dick$50,000$47,494-5%
Harvestree Holdings, LLC$60,644$45,409-25.1%
Conner Rubin Tip Top, LLC$0$44,864--
The Griffiths Trust$44,898$42,948-4.3%
Wizard Fisheries, Inc.$0$41,562--
Donald J. Newman$0$41,130--
Adrienne Widick$119,685$40,870-65.9%
Yochum Farm & Rentals$42,536$40,237-5.4%
Elizabeth Moore$0$39,556--
Curragh Fisheries, Inc.$0$37,994--
Warness Fisheries, Inc.$0$37,775--
Andronica, Inc.$0$37,071--
GLO, Inc.$73,637$36,992-49.8%
Janet G, LLC$0$36,843--
Tyone Raymond$0$35,637--
D&R Stucky Properties, LLC$5,155$35,515588.9%
FV GK, LLC$0$35,266--
Padgitt Reserve, LLC$34,716$34,7160%
Marjorie S. Weiss$25,703$34,01432.3%
Barclay Gilbert Farms, LLC$33,623$33,6230%
Alyssa Ann, LLC$0$33,435--
Mitchell V. Maurer$32,001$32,0010%
Virginia Andrews Burdette$0$31,702--
KM Columbia 3, LLC$61,347$31,252-49.1%
Hartland, LLC$33,348$30,743-7.8%
KP & GL, LLC$0$30,718--
Louis J. Feller$37,011$30,465-17.7%
Lee Padberg$30,391$30,3910%
F/V Kihar, LLC$0$30,140--
Mark Robert Peterson$0$29,844--
K. H. Colburn, Inc.$0$29,748--
F/V Determined, Inc.$0$29,634--
KDS Holdings, LLC$23,480$29,61726.1%
AKP, LLC$0$29,414--
East Grand Holdings, LLC$0$29,414--
K & H Farms, LLC$30,090$29,184-3%
Christine W. Bell$28,832$28,8320%
James D. Stanley$0$28,731--
Joanna Koester$28,286$28,2860%
Gelsinger Living Trust$0$28,248--
Spring Ranch, LLC$0$27,285--
Darryl Torgerson$27,284$27,2840%
Johnemma, L.L.C.$26,590$26,5900%
Peter Most$0$26,501--
Weldon E. Branch$43,491$26,339-39.4%
CG Strand Red Barn, LLC$34,239$26,312-23.2%
El Ultimo, LLC$0$26,117--
Carrie Welch Trust$51,819$25,918-50%
JLS Fisheries, Inc.$0$25,815--
H & M Farms, LLC$25,800$25,8000%
Clean Sweep Enterprise, LLC$0$25,369--
PJD Quotas, LLC$0$24,967--
Thomas Melvin Glass$0$24,769--
FV Lulu, Inc.$0$24,680--
Jamer Farms, Inc.$37,303$24,655-33.9%
Kipow, LLC$0$24,479--
Robert C Buchmayr$0$24,334--
James M. Neff$0$24,317--
Dylan Borden-Deal$0$24,282--
Robert Thomas Ott$23,462$23,8311.6%
Amu Reflections, LLC$0$23,632--
Joe Vivio$0$23,434--
Zeg, LLC$0$23,352--
Daren Abella$0$22,676--
Demoss Springs Ranch, LLC$6,885$22,526227.2%
Greenwater, LLC$0$22,400--
Jared Danielson$0$22,168--
Cascade Mariner, LLC$0$22,143--
Wendy Heider$23,786$21,742-8.6%
George Kenny - Kenny Trust$45,330$21,727-52.1%
David S Harsila$0$21,544--
Mariner LLC, PAC$0$21,521--
Stuart F. McTaggart$0$21,498--
James C Lyons SR Farm Agency$46,503$21,287-54.2%
Elsensohn Farms, LLC$21,106$21,1870.4%
Sethne Farm, LLP$21,221$21,086-0.6%
Andrew Rice$21,593$20,738-4%
Camb Vineyard Investments, LLC$0$20,533--
Rice Family Land, LLC$32,891$20,337-38.2%
Peter Selby$23,468$20,305-13.5%
Steel Wheel Farm, LLC$0$20,304--
Minh van Pham$0$20,117--
Ellestad Fisheries$0$19,803--
Eleanor Pendley$19,405$19,5870.9%
Martin Speak$0$19,488--
Daniel A. Owen$19,512$19,378-0.7%
F/V Dog House, Inc.$0$19,280--
Teel Brothers Crab Creek Farm$38,240$19,186-49.8%
Julia Forbes$27,573$19,013-31%
Victoria Alie$0$18,714--
John Wendt$31,910$18,366-42.4%
Dave P Juchmes$47,539$18,303-61.5%
Kevin Seabeck$0$18,270--
Chris L. Campbell$18,201$18,2010%
Nancy McKinnon$12,487$18,11745.1%
Padberg Farms, Inc.$32,366$17,944-44.6%
Steven S. Fox$0$17,642--
Schied Ranch, LLC$0$17,589--
One Leaf Farm$0$17,377--
Blake Robert Bradley$0$17,169--
Brianne & Faamanu Tautolo$0$17,029--
Lorelei II, Inc.$0$16,903--
Dennis Belden$0$16,827--
Kevin Bourton$22,597$16,819-25.6%
Carpinito Grandchildren, LLC$42,459$16,787-60.5%
Joe and Evelyn Corporation$0$16,718--
Far Star, Inc.$0$16,702--
Bryan D. Mullen$0$16,610--
Williams Ranch, LLC$41,358$16,284-60.6%
F/V Jessica Mae 1 Fisheries, Inc.$0$16,259--
Mark I, Inc.$0$16,222--
Distributed Control System Crab Quota, LLC$0$16,211--
Cheryl Dawn Midtbo$21,670$16,069-25.8%
David W. Newson$0$16,017--
Richard Nucci$0$15,755--
Terry S. Fox$15,729$15,7290%
Kevin Riley$0$15,704--
B-Square Farms Joint Venture$6,348$15,456143.5%
Jack G. Knutsen$0$15,314--
Fisher Farms, LLC$10,344$15,25647.5%
Leslie Nichols$40,914$15,019-63.3%
Frostad Fisheries, LLC$0$14,972--
Kj Herman$0$14,874--
Mihail L Duta$0$14,800--
Serres Farm, Inc.$0$14,482--
Lorna Stiles$13,049$14,3259.8%
FDN Farms, LLC$10,552$14,28335.4%
Pomum Cellars, LLC$0$14,023--
Bauer Family Trust$18,349$13,920-24.1%
Dean J. Peper$0$13,898--
John W. Niles$0$13,893--
Chue Kai Chasengnou$0$13,814--
Mildred Weston Living Trust$19,202$13,801-28.1%
John Joseph Miller Ranch, LLC$33,428$13,758-58.8%
Erik Nelson$13,665$13,6650%
Wysett, LLC$22,273$13,657-38.7%
Fernkes Farm, LLC$14,719$13,508-8.2%
Delores M. Cohrs$20,329$13,488-33.7%
Gulf Maiden, Corp.$0$13,480--
Steven D. Lewis$0$13,445--
Donita L Payne Family Trust$21,731$13,316-38.7%
Salzcrest Farms, LLC$7,550$13,25275.5%
Raymond a Weston Trust$17,386$13,239-23.9%
Kenneth Paul Hammer$0$13,167--
Alexander Most$0$13,067--
Oen Family Trust U/A 9-16-03 - 2020$0$12,690--
Brent Thompson$0$12,682--
R Breneman, LLC$7,687$12,48862.5%
Wendy Freitag$5,209$12,483139.6%
Hodel Farms, L L C$56,896$12,380-78.2%
Kurt Svasand$0$12,237--
Jake Hargis$0$12,215--
Lady Mary, Corp.$0$12,154--
Deslaug Farm, LLC$22,762$12,096-46.9%
Comstock Family Farms, Inc.$10,181$12,08918.7%
Michele D. Kenney$21,060$12,066-42.7%
Baugh & Reddick$13,793$12,018-12.9%
Bonnie Bledsoe$14,549$12,013-17.4%
Christopher L. Johnson$0$12,010--
Fred F. Langford$11,997$11,9970%
Linda L. Urquhart$9,927$11,75918.5%
Coyote Crossing, LLC$11,704$11,7040%
Stoneyvine, LLC$0$11,590--
Louis J. Hopkins$17,542$11,589-33.9%
Paul M Mockett JR$14,104$11,585-17.9%
Lyle Gagnon$11,524$11,5240%
J & J Therrell Family, LLC$17,014$11,510-32.3%
Jennifer Todd$11,373$11,3730%
Lynn V. Pierce$13,345$11,365-14.8%
Dixie Land Company, LLC$26,041$11,335-56.5%
Deborah Sherwood$12,653$11,333-10.4%
Jacob C Keller Farm, LLC$11,306$11,3060%
Linda L Struthers - Big Daddys Farm, LLC$0$11,152--
Almond Farms, LLC$0$10,971--
Fishing Vessel St. Jude, LLC$0$10,949--
J Francis Munns Farms, Inc.$20,856$10,919-47.6%
Larsen Mettler$0$10,886--
Dorothy Rosenberg$17,574$10,691-39.2%
Ingemar Anders Sonnerup$0$10,683--
Garry Dunn$10,623$10,6230%
Seven S, Inc.$11,711$10,601-9.5%
Daniel N. Wolpert$1,872$10,531462.6%
Spencer W. Anderson$0$10,463--
Anita Peluso$10,463$10,4630%
Joann Beardsley$10,417$10,4170%
Sandra Harris$11,176$10,326-7.6%
Riederer Enterprises, Inc.$0$10,241--
Feller Farm Partnership, LLC$17,460$10,155-41.8%
Coleman Fish, LLC$0$10,146--
Lisa Burbage$9,960$10,0841.2%
Poor Ole Henry Farm, LLC$6,197$10,08062.7%
Lyons Farm Operations, Inc.$8,537$9,97816.9%
Terese Higgins$13,354$9,814-26.5%
Gaia's Harmony Farm$0$9,805--
Lauren Elizabeth Miles$13,563$9,625-29%
Kathryn McKeon$0$9,330--
Pacific Ocean Fisheries, Inc.$0$9,290--
Hannah Bacon Eldridge Trust$6,087$9,24851.9%
Thong Cha$0$9,225--
Kenneth Moritz Trust$9,132$9,1320%
Neil Mcgreevy Partnership, Ltd.$14,760$9,015-38.9%
Edward A. Ring$17,227$9,014-47.7%
Crab Resource Associated Partners, LLC$0$8,967--
George G Main Bypass Trust$16,214$8,946-44.8%
Petriello Revocable Trust$18,772$8,921-52.5%
Dale M Johnson Trust$2,634$8,918238.6%
Scott R. Sinclair$0$8,810--
Dale D. Myer$8,786$8,7860%
Peter Kain$314,034$8,786-97.2%
Billie Jo Flerchinger$16,072$8,739-45.6%
Jo Ann Chatalas$15,332$8,594-43.9%
Charles N Wainger$0$8,554--
Mark Alness$8,504$8,5040%
Packard Properties, LLC$10,056$8,488-15.6%
Glennette a Paulk Trust$8,433$8,4330%
Vondell Bennion$8,433$8,4330%
Schied Operating, LLC$0$8,339--
Fred M Kraun$0$8,227--
Darko Family Trust$12,868$8,125-36.9%
Marilyn C. Henrichs$8,071$8,0710%
Chris Glassmoyer$5,580$8,06744.6%
Tong Xiong$0$8,056--
Jennifer Bouffiou$0$8,034--
Russell Hanford$14,486$7,957-45.1%
Wilbur Angus Reel$0$7,950--
Eugene A. Carlson$0$7,918--
Quarter Circle Z, Corp.$18,743$7,918-57.8%
F/V Polaris, Inc.$0$7,854--
Mary Jo F. Dermody$15,114$7,828-48.2%
Keith H. Colburn$0$7,808--
Ta & Company LC$7,646$7,6460%
Vanginneken Agriculture, LLC$13,898$7,620-45.2%
Wisciowa, LLC$0$7,602--
Barbara C White Trust$34,656$7,550-78.2%
Adele Drummond$6,290$7,54920%
Edna Rose Cloaninger Farms, LLC$11,813$7,473-36.7%
Nancy S. Hanford$13,847$7,456-46.2%
Blue Attu, LLC$0$7,443--
Farpoint Land, LLC$17,464$7,375-57.8%
Philip D. Doherty$14,789$7,363-50.2%
Casebolt Trust$10,142$7,327-27.8%
Seth G. Allen$14,771$7,310-50.5%
B&B Fisheries, GP$0$7,252--
Esther M. Reese$7,637$7,220-5.5%
Jacob Kumma$0$7,212--
Sean Bouffiou$0$7,172--
Mockonema Partnership$15,160$7,112-53.1%
Brett & Bryan, L.L.C.$13,503$7,098-47.4%
Lilje Family, LLC$13,019$7,063-45.7%
Tynes Enterprises, Inc.$0$7,041--
Wabey Enterprises, Inc.$0$7,041--
Richard Morse$7,030$7,0330%
Vittone Family Trust$8,421$6,985-17.1%
CJB Limited Partnership$4,839$6,96944%
P & C Farms LC$9,053$6,947-23.3%
Schmidt Brothers, LLC$0$6,922--
Joseph H. Delaney$15,659$6,914-55.8%
Edward Limmeroth$6,892$6,8920%
David Cady$4,108$6,86767.2%
Edward Lux$4,736$6,85044.6%
Stout Enterprises$10,238$6,808-33.5%
Christopher Dennis Sechrist$0$6,799--
Houghton Family, LLC$0$6,748--
Kenneth McMillan$15,335$6,718-56.2%
Bruce L. Nelson$11,107$6,690-39.8%
KK 4 Farms, LLC$52,635$6,688-87.3%
Hightail, LLC$10,134$6,651-34.4%
Deep Blue Sea, LLC$0$6,630--
Pat & Rita Mcguire Family Farms, LLC$7,168$6,611-7.8%
Wesley R. Anderson$8,179$6,586-19.5%
Pater Ranch Company, LLC$2,512$6,547160.6%
Christie Most$0$6,524--
Township 30, LLC$7,974$6,514-18.3%
Hardung, Inc.$12,013$6,438-46.4%
Rosemary Krsak$5,035$6,42927.7%
Alison Mckeirnan Family Trust$9,858$6,413-34.9%
Pauline James$6,404$6,4040%
Najiba Badissy$57,731$6,400-88.9%
Zine Badissy$19,338$6,400-66.9%
Pog Legacy Farms, LLC$33,729$6,388-81.1%
Kinyoun Family Trust$22,283$6,356-71.5%
Debora J. Saling$8,071$6,355-21.3%
Ronald Radach$5,894$6,3537.8%
Craig Grosinger$9,269$6,347-31.5%
Albert E. Strom$0$6,313--
KKL Holdings, LLC$0$6,292--
Barnes Farms, LLP$11,710$6,276-46.4%
Daniel Evan Bowman$3,859$6,24961.9%
John E. Colt$0$6,235--
Allen W. Gauger$13,138$6,200-52.8%
Pollard Vineyard, LLC$0$6,127--
Angadjot S Sandhu$0$6,103--
Joel W. Bryant$3,135$6,06193.3%
Mark K Hagelgantz$6,429$6,058-5.8%
Chao Chang$0$6,055--
Stephen E. Craig$9,557$5,956-37.7%
Ellen Johnson$8,990$5,935-34%
Damien Catala$0$5,818--
Kye Kirkpatrick$0$5,793--
David T Lyons-Lyons Family Ranch, LLC$0$5,779--
Andrea Miller$5,759$5,7590%
Johanna D. Maas$0$5,716--
Pa Yang$0$5,678--
Aimee Miller$1,631$5,653246.6%
Walter Schuhmann Farm$4,801$5,65217.7%
Fleming Family Trust$0$5,597--
Stan Olsen$0$5,581--
Lee Chang$0$5,567--
Sound Vegetables, LLC$0$5,553--
Philip A. Shoup$0$5,515--
Douglas Bruce Lyle$0$5,434--
Helyn M Simpson Trust$5,418$5,4180%
Linda Stark$5,445$5,406-0.7%
Blue Moon Orchard, LLC$6,998$5,351-23.5%
Cheryl Dewald$5,334$5,3340%
Tim Dewald$5,334$5,3340%
Dale & Marci Myer, LLC$5,300$5,3000%
Pribbernow Farms, LLP$5,296$5,2960%
Beverley J Ericson Estate$8,572$5,272-38.5%
Douwe Van ESS$4,517$5,26316.5%
Oak Brook Partners$16,681$5,225-68.7%
Matthew Johns$0$5,222--
Diana Swain$18,382$5,221-71.6%
JNJ Farms Partnership$6,980$5,163-26%
John E Mackean$5,026$5,1352.2%
E. C. Noble Jr.$12,316$5,114-58.5%
Robert Merlin Jones$9,816$5,047-48.6%
Ruth Ann Louck$5,043$5,0430%
Sharon D. Vestal$8,253$5,032-39%
James R Hoath IRRV Trustee$8,641$5,021-41.9%
Copeland Farm, LLC$6,123$4,996-18.4%
David Swanberg$7,281$4,987-31.5%
Sharon Smith Hunt$9,282$4,970-46.5%
Evergreen Hill Farm, Inc.$4,944$4,9440%
Lois Heather$5,640$4,931-12.6%
Judy M. Gage$4,895$4,8950%
Donna Kinsey$0$4,879--
Jennifer Ingalls$4,848$4,8480%
Elizabeth F Toner Estate$0$4,834--
Larry E Heasty and Joann Heasty Trustee$6,472$4,809-25.7%
Leighton Dean Lien$5,244$4,804-8.4%
Bronte Austin$0$4,791--
Virginia Neville Revocable Trust$14,113$4,781-66.1%
May Yang$0$4,775--
Alceon, LLC$0$4,760--
Mark P. Thorn$6,551$4,759-27.4%
Nydra Karlen$0$4,752--
Keith C. Martensen$7,795$4,741-39.2%
Linda J. Shoup$3,176$4,72648.8%
Joann Mcconnell Trust$4,723$4,7230%
Iantha a Sidell$4,164$4,71113.1%
John P. Walsh$0$4,709--
Sandygren Properties Limited Part$4,099$4,70814.9%
Keep It Simple Sisters, LLC$5,391$4,703-12.8%
Seattle Urban Honey, LLC$0$4,696--
George J Bodenhamer & Barbara J Bodenhamer Fam Trustee$5,792$4,663-19.5%
Mccain Family Living Trustee$7,013$4,591-34.5%
Laverna M Bechtol Estate$0$4,578--
Jennerjohn Farms, LLC$4,554$4,5580.1%
Peter R. Knutson$0$4,549--
SKR Alliance, LLC$8,436$4,517-46.5%
Lloyd & Carol, LLC$4,516$4,5160%
Gregory E. Messner$4,386$4,5112.8%
Laura S. Richardson$9,508$4,508-52.6%
Carolyn W. Keating$7,121$4,503-36.8%
Judy G. Roe$6,333$4,502-28.9%
Miller Family Farms, LLC$8,967$4,491-49.9%
Brett A. Wagner$4,750$4,490-5.5%
Donna D. Kittilson Testamentary Trust UWD March 17$0$4,483--
Joan M Kinzer Credit Trust$9,075$4,458-50.9%
Jennifer Kay Aspelund$0$4,450--
HVL Farms, LLC$10,031$4,437-55.8%
Jacalyn M. Holsted$4,774$4,399-7.9%
Randall Newell Living Trust$4,390$4,3900%
Balraj S Sandhu$0$4,386--
Philip Brindle$0$4,384--
Amelia Buse-Stone$3,981$4,3769.9%
James C. Brady$0$4,347--
Jane's Farm, LLC$4,965$4,342-12.5%
WJS SD Holdings, LLC$4,330$4,3300%
William C. Severson$4,793$4,320-9.9%
John C. Hanford III$0$4,306--
Leema CHA$0$4,304--
Kim J. Hohl$4,303$4,3030%
Freese-Roberts, LLC$5,443$4,284-21.3%
Eugene L. Zemke$0$4,280--
Margaret Murphy$0$4,271--
Dorothy Soland$7,150$4,252-40.5%
Martha J. Holm$20,553$4,226-79.4%
Glorine Bentley$5,674$4,222-25.6%
Jonah Knutson$0$4,196--
Daniel Jones$0$4,163--
Schied Farms, LLC$0$4,131--
Loretta J. Weber$4,600$4,122-10.4%
Arthur C. Torgerson$10,562$4,106-61.1%
Ila M Breidenthal Trust No 1$4,090$4,0900%
Francisco Alexander de la Fuente$3,903$4,0844.6%
Charles W Mcconnelee$9,328$4,078-56.3%
Dexter J. Hankel$4,069$4,0690%
Jack Clearman$4,062$4,0620%
Harvey E & a Diane Siedenburg Trust$8,692$4,041-53.5%
Joseph Faulkner Test Tr$8,553$4,041-52.8%
Janet Green$7,901$4,029-49%
Deanna Irvine$5,298$4,024-24%
Steve Jones$13,326$4,018-69.8%
Cari Gish$6,802$4,017-40.9%
Daniel North$4,744$4,004-15.6%
Sandra K Rebholz Living Trust$1,217$3,994228.2%
Hardung Family Revocable Living Trust$0$3,978--
Hackett Hatton Farms, LLC$0$3,931--
Andrew A. Umlauf$0$3,920--
J W B, LLC$6,516$3,903-40.1%
Bonnie G. Mickelson$3,920$3,871-1.2%
Allen P Martin Credit Shelter Trust$0$3,866--
Rosalie I Nordeen Living Trust$3,707$3,8544%
Jay Greenwood$0$3,847--
Shawn McManus$0$3,833--
Jor Chang$0$3,828--
Fifteen Forty-Three, LLC$2,284$3,82767.6%
Dorothy Sanchez$5,751$3,821-33.6%
Emily W. Gatch$3,600$3,7805%
Eg Peterson Farms, LLLP$6,263$3,777-39.7%
Ackerman Trust$0$3,772--
Katherine G Teel Family Trust$6,029$3,770-37.5%
Ann Aldrich Cameron Estate$22,504$3,756-83.3%
Richard Blakney$4,979$3,747-24.7%
Peter Lopuszynski$0$3,735--
Chapman March, LLC$2,110$3,71376%
Cowgill-Long, Inc.$7,986$3,690-53.8%
Rachael Butler$1,516$3,683142.9%
Tepee Springs Ranch Partnership$0$3,682--
Cathie Ann Bunch$3,621$3,6210%
Edwin Hedlund$4,768$3,614-24.2%
David Helland$10,235$3,590-64.9%
Terry Lynn Smith$6,938$3,570-48.5%
Dwight J. Lyle$8,557$3,532-58.7%
W R Briggs Company$7,338$3,502-52.3%
Susan K Mcdowell - Mcdowell Ho Family Trust$0$3,497--
Lynn Semler$3,485$3,4850%
Joseph R. Semler III$3,485$3,4850%
Sandra a Heaslett$3,485$3,4850%
Stephen D. Semler$3,485$3,4850%
O'Daffer Family Partnership$11,382$3,482-69.4%
SFM Farm, LLC$13,137$3,473-73.6%
David R. Fox$5,307$3,435-35.3%
Collin Paul Madden$3,428$3,4280%
Michelle A. Madden$3,428$3,4280%
Howard S. Roehl$5,895$3,424-41.9%
Arlo George Eslinger$3,391$3,3910%
DK Family Farm, LLC$6,271$3,376-46.2%
Sherman L Woodruff 1990 Living Trustee$7,624$3,329-56.3%
Kim E Guyor$0$3,316--
BNLP, LLC$0$3,310--
Nancy L. Ferdinandsen$4,046$3,291-18.7%
Wood River Farm, LLC$1,399$3,282134.6%
Lois M. Kitto$4,918$3,278-33.3%
Brian K. Knox$2,867$3,27614.3%
Lois Sparr$4,144$3,274-21%
Sharon Hegge$3,243$3,2430%
Kelly Thao$0$3,229--
Glenda McIlroy$5,762$3,225-44%
Kathryn Armstrong$2,360$3,22436.6%
Lawrence McCormick$3,213$3,2130%
Carol K. Hart$2,920$3,1889.2%
John D. Hart$2,920$3,1889.2%
Lorna Richmond$5,836$3,186-45.4%
Gumbo Farms, LLC$6,632$3,185-52%
Carol L. Hall$0$3,178--
Jan E. Roddy$5,980$3,159-47.2%
Marilyn L. Nelson$5,975$3,157-47.2%
Darrel Owen$3,155$3,1550%
Paul C. Schneider$4,590$3,132-31.8%
Richard Conner$6,214$3,107-50%
V Lowell Kimble JR Living Trust$4,046$3,107-23.2%
James Jennings$3,106$3,1060%
Doug Monroe$4,391$3,104-29.3%
T Harbine Monroe III$2,011$3,10454.4%
L. P. Jeter$4,371$3,089-29.3%
Angela Armbrust$3,086$3,0860%
Wilson Revocable Living Trust$11,707$3,084-73.7%
Leisa Sorensen$2,429$3,06726.3%
Hinerman Trust$5,986$3,059-48.9%
Georgia A. Maloy$0$3,050--
Laura Moore J. Mueller$6,610$3,044-53.9%
Denny Middlesworth$9,248$3,035-67.2%
Constance Phillips McCrery$3,732$3,035-18.7%
Monona JB Farms, LLC$8,608$3,024-64.9%
Deb Steichen$3,009$3,0090%
Erik Pearson$0$3,001--
Groves Family Holdings, LLC$6,426$2,999-53.3%
Dennis Conrad$2,995$2,9950%
Vashon Maury Island Land Trust$2,970$2,9700%
Jonathan J. Thomas$10,262$2,965-71.1%
Star-K, Inc.$12,289$2,961-75.9%
Dennis and Susan Christie Living Trust$2,958$2,9580%
Barbara Rose$0$2,951--
Candace Lein-Hayes$2,949$2,9490%
James L. Andrews Sr.$6,033$2,886-52.2%
Eugene Toomey$2,874$2,8740%
Laurent Bentitou$0$2,841--
Duane L. McAdam$1,908$2,83848.7%
Myrla Dean$1,240$2,837128.8%
David M. Whitney$0$2,828--
Jon C. Whitney$1,945$2,82845.4%
Plowman, LLC$4,366$2,815-35.5%
Dan D Oliver Estate$2,615$2,8117.5%
Lois M Mcmillan Testamentary Trust$0$2,800--
Jaks Legacy, LLC$3,973$2,769-30.3%
Shor Farm, LLC$10,916$2,767-74.7%
Tom Collins$3,377$2,765-18.1%
Erika H Hastetter$13,931$2,761-80.2%
Gleed Ranch, LLC$0$2,728--
Detering Tree Farms, LLC$2,726$2,7260%
Leroy Noteboom Revocable Living Trust$0$2,719--
Gordon D. Kramer$0$2,705--
M David Walen Family Trust Dated 01-19-1998$0$2,697--
Ruby P Tsao Rev Living Trust$0$2,697--
Gerald Woody$0$2,695--
Georg F. Schroeder$399$2,693574.9%
Thomas Lyons Farm Agency$5,866$2,692-54.1%
Edward R. Shields$4,513$2,689-40.4%
Ralph H. Ashmore$10,872$2,676-75.4%
Joy A. Kirkpatrick$8,720$2,673-69.3%
Keith Sunderman$7,063$2,658-62.4%
Barbara Omalev$7,794$2,656-65.9%
Pamela J. Anderson$2,908$2,648-8.9%
John C. Hanford III$15,716$2,647-83.2%
Dean Lambert$1,295$2,630103.1%
Robert L. Smith$0$2,626--
Major Farms, LLC$10,527$2,624-75.1%
Estate of Valeria Seubert$2,622$2,6220%
Lois Moors Willis - Lois Moors Willis Trust$4,727$2,604-44.9%
James Leigh$2,584$2,5840%
Kristin C. Simpson$3,309$2,576-22.2%
Richard Rock$4,114$2,545-38.1%
Helde Family Trust$1,878$2,51634%
Seafreeze America, LLC$0$2,500--
Thomas Blakney Family Trust$3,317$2,497-24.7%
Nancy Hedges$3,508$2,474-29.5%
Ann Gray MacMillen$1,569$2,46357%
Jonathan Pearson$0$2,457--
Mitchell Carrington$0$2,456--
Lloyd E. Thomas$4,038$2,454-39.2%
Pamela R Bedynek$3,921$2,446-37.6%
Vickie A. Ropp$5,087$2,429-52.3%
Minh Vo$0$2,421--
James Walker$4,554$2,418-46.9%
Shirley Ball Ambrose$0$2,408--
Charles a Wilhite Rev Trust$799$2,404200.9%
Judith Herring$3,312$2,384-28%
Barbara Offner$4,014$2,382-40.7%
Tracey Post$0$2,356--
John J. Jolley$1,931$2,35021.7%
James K Killingsworth Disclaimer Trust$0$2,350--
Carolyn Jean Hibbard Estate$3,473$2,310-33.5%
Harvey Bergeron Testamentary Trust$0$2,309--
David Kendrick$1,156$2,30499.3%
Huff Family Revocable Living Trust$3,669$2,300-37.3%
Dao Lee$0$2,297--
Gail Perrigo$2,280$2,2800%
Donna B Winblade$4,512$2,274-49.6%
David Jh Wilson$2,260$2,2600%
Silver Seeds Farm, LLC$0$2,258--
Geoffrey Mills$4,265$2,257-47.1%
Pachia CHA$0$2,256--
Dan Fishburn$0$2,248--
Cathy Jo Linn GST Trust$6,281$2,234-64.4%
Judith Kay Roberts$2,223$2,2230%
David W. Tuck$4,978$2,222-55.4%
Leif Pearson$783$2,221183.7%
A D Tolonen Estate$2,930$2,216-24.4%
Paul Twedt$6,871$2,215-67.8%
Jean M. Ramsay$0$2,190--
Peter J. Olsen$0$2,153--
Mildred L. Templeton$2,140$2,1400%
Pete Connick$2,308$2,140-7.3%
Templeton Family Trust$2,140$2,1400%
Michael Dean Stuck$0$2,139--
Elliot J. Severson$889$2,130139.6%
Dixie Brown$4,012$2,129-46.9%
Susan L. Chloupek$3,571$2,124-40.5%
Rosemary Easter$2,115$2,1150%
Spencer W. O'Grady$2,115$2,1150%
Harlin Balzer$3,115$2,109-32.3%
Joan Tweten$3,580$2,104-41.2%
Strenge Ventures Partnership 1, Ltd.$0$2,097--
Sharyn Eugenia Sutter$3,105$2,095-32.5%
Virginia Lea Kallberg$3,105$2,095-32.5%
Joyce Brim Douglass$3,270$2,089-36.1%
Alex Strom$2,083$2,0830%
Michael R. Foss$3,806$2,081-45.3%
Geoffrey T. Lebon$0$2,062--
Leroy Gebhardt$4,127$2,062-50%
Luella M Welsh Estate$8,003$2,050-74.4%
John Bronson$2,026$2,0260%
Julia A. Creighton$2,026$2,0260%
Ted Collins$2,071$2,026-2.2%
Lola H. Hobson$3,822$2,006-47.5%
Mary Mcarthur Special Needs Trust$3,135$1,969-37.2%
Mark Dudley$1,955$1,9550%
Muriel J. Nelson$3,036$1,954-35.6%
Shady Grove Farm, LLC$6,179$1,939-68.6%
Theodore G. Roduner$3,319$1,939-41.6%
Heidi L. Olson$1,814$1,9386.8%
Lyn Shoemaker$0$1,938--
Bruning Family, LLC$7,266$1,931-73.4%
Harry Krause Family, LLC$3,612$1,921-46.8%
Cropp Family Farms, LLC$0$1,914--
Myla Jean Martin$2,418$1,911-21%
Big Dog Quotas, LLC$0$1,911--
Jack L. Jones$2,418$1,911-21%
OCHS Living Trust$1,025$1,90085.4%
LCD Trust Dated June 20, 2016$6,788$1,900-72%
Janis R. Bard$2,308$1,898-17.8%
David W Nauditt$2,542$1,895-25.5%
Lula June Mckinney--Lula J Mckinney Survivors Trus$0$1,881--
Lloyd E Hugelman Family Trust$8,959$1,878-79%
Vivienne Hugelman Family Trust$8,959$1,878-79%
Dale S Krasser Rev Inter Vivos Trust$0$1,874--
Terry Ann Gaffney$7,628$1,853-75.7%
Thomas L. Ficklin$5,137$1,850-64%
Janyce J Bohrmann$2,926$1,838-37.2%
Bruce Allard$2,550$1,823-28.5%
Gary Chase$2,720$1,821-33.1%
Don Hal Haney$2,790$1,815-34.9%
Alicia L. Talley$3,850$1,809-53%
Juliet S. English$5,183$1,808-65.1%
Joseph Johnson Weber$2,236$1,793-19.8%
Matsen Land & Livestock$3,588$1,784-50.3%
Marilyn J. Hoppe$1,784$1,7840%
Gretchen Chambers$3,650$1,777-51.3%
Katherine Hanafin$0$1,777--
Joseph D Haberzetle$1,772$1,7720%
E. J. Rains$1,965$1,770-9.9%
Fan-Ro, Inc.$1,142$1,76954.9%
Sara Jensen$0$1,768--
Donita Payne Trust$5,581$1,765-68.4%
Clark S. Thomas$1,990$1,763-11.4%
Josephine K Mcneill Generation Skipping Irrevocable Trust$4,467$1,744-61%
Ann Ingersoll$2,650$1,742-34.3%
Lynn Smith$2,606$1,737-33.3%
Carlton-Wilson, LLC$1,734$1,7340%
Coan Family, LLC$5,498$1,733-68.5%
Connie J. Robinson$2,824$1,732-38.7%
Cara Brehm$1,729$1,7290%
Lake Valhalla Holdings, LLC$1,724$1,7240%
Smith Acres Property Trust Uta 7/27/11$10,568$1,711-83.8%
Tyler C. Beach$2,160$1,706-21%
Nathan Kent Mallory$1,692$1,6920%
Amy Mallory Mooney$1,692$1,6920%
Mary Evelyn King Estate$3,233$1,676-48.2%
ASM Agricultural, LLC$4,857$1,673-65.6%
Marlyn J. Venskus$2,643$1,660-37.2%
Iris K. Buck$2,300$1,659-27.9%
Lori M. Smits$3,095$1,658-46.4%
Ladon Kessler$2,072$1,654-20.2%
Sonya Stokes$2,073$1,654-20.2%
Doug Osterman$1,644$1,6440%
Luke Gering$1,780$1,640-7.9%
William Koepke IRRV Trustee$928$1,63976.6%
Ritzville-Packard Farms, LLC$1,729$1,631-5.7%
Karen Cowgill$2,832$1,628-42.5%
Glenoria, Ltd.$1,626$1,6260%
Kyle Leonard$2,500$1,624-35%
Gracie A. Peterson$2,743$1,621-40.9%
Grayce Mitchell$1,610$1,6100%
SMW Farm, LLC$2,052$1,601-22%
Jayne Lyn Houk$821$1,58593.1%
Benjamin M. Prince Jr.$1,584$1,5840%
Lorolie a Prince$1,584$1,5840%
Cole Stebbens Exempt Trust$6,793$1,582-76.7%
Van Winkle Fam Trustee Uad 4-5-1999$0$1,575--
Harlan C and Jeanette C Troftgruben Family Trust$0$1,572--
Christopher Glassmoyer$0$1,570--
Tony H. Martin$2,710$1,558-42.5%
Roger Beieler$2,674$1,557-41.8%
Lee T. van Patten$2,786$1,553-44.3%
Monica Rosman C. Lafever$1,646$1,552-5.7%
Mike Newton$778$1,54999.1%
Marvin J. Hoefner$0$1,546--
Diane Fennema$4,553$1,542-66.1%
Gary Zielke$527$1,536191.5%
Esther Rose O Macilroy Trust$1,535$1,5350%
Jeannie Kay Vea$2,620$1,532-41.5%
Karnail Singh$1,530$1,5300%
Sue C. Sage$2,337$1,529-34.6%
Robin P. McCain$2,336$1,529-34.5%
Grant O. Lord II$0$1,528--
Robert L. Jackson$2,862$1,527-46.6%
Mark A. Stimmel$1,542$1,519-1.5%
Patricia J Hogan - Hogans Heroes Family Trust$3,474$1,511-56.5%
Phyllis Dukes$1,510$1,5100%
Larry G. Kravik$3,078$1,506-51.1%
Linda B. Peterson$5,526$1,503-72.8%
Claire Foster$1,454$1,5003.2%
Luanne Caylor$2,700$1,499-44.5%
Terry Moos$2,700$1,499-44.5%
A. Huntley Jr.$2,816$1,498-46.8%
Roy Ballestrasse$0$1,497--
Paul H. Matson$68,514$1,496-97.8%
Robert G. Albrecht$7,066$1,491-78.9%
David E. Ortman$635$1,477132.6%
Gray SKY Farm$0$1,459--
Kristin K. Anderson$2,572$1,459-43.3%
Gail B. Bechler$2,826$1,458-48.4%
Ryan A. Petriello$0$1,452--
Oscar Rutherford JR Credit Shelter Trust$4,153$1,440-65.3%
Tri-Winter, LLC$3,579$1,434-59.9%
Betty J. Hedlund$5,059$1,420-71.9%
Kirk Callison$646$1,420119.8%
Jackwood, LLC$546$1,415159.2%
Helen Ross Decedents Trustee$4,865$1,412-71%
1998 Taylor Family Limited Partnership$5,192$1,412-72.8%
Darcy Hilby$1,830$1,409-23%
Caroline Vitous Fredette$2,403$1,406-41.5%
Nelson F. Vitous$2,404$1,406-41.5%
Bridget Burgess$1,988$1,399-29.6%
Irene L. Byers$0$1,397--
Randy Richter$1,392$1,3920%
Nicole Masciocchi$136$1,381915.4%
Timothy J. Asplin$0$1,377--
Sue C. Dewitt$3,501$1,376-60.7%
Mary Reeves Leber$2,159$1,364-36.8%
Coralee Liljenberg$2,556$1,356-46.9%
Dorothy J Silflow Trust$524$1,355158.6%
Carla Torgerson$2,246$1,352-39.8%
Sally J. Reed$1,350$1,3500%
Marlil Lovell$3,055$1,343-56%
Lance W Behnke - Lance & Ramona Behnke Rev Trust$2,507$1,340-46.5%
Michael Mitchell$1,520$1,337-12%
Jane a Manheim-Jane a Manheim Property Trust$5,230$1,336-74.5%
Geoffrey Balzer Supplemental Needs Trust$0$1,328--
Shawn McKee$1,799$1,317-26.8%
Linda D Hagemann-Beck$2,473$1,315-46.8%
Lois Cave$1,735$1,312-24.4%
Marie E. Sharpe$2,835$1,306-53.9%
William a Cornehl$1,385$1,301-6.1%
Steven L Colthurst Family Trust$1,288$1,2880%
Duane E. Fite$0$1,282--
Juanita Harig$1,829$1,265-30.8%
Helen Kay Blakney Credit Trust$1,662$1,249-24.8%
Jason M West$1,275$1,240-2.7%
Tena L West$1,275$1,240-2.7%
Robin A. Pollard$3,217$1,232-61.7%
Ellen L. Jarvinen$1,231$1,2310%
Ronald C. Schick$5,809$1,229-78.8%
Charlie Stewart$8,323$1,226-85.3%
Zemke Family Living Trust$5,060$1,225-75.8%
Shawna R. Sitton$1,806$1,222-32.3%
Darlene a Behnke Trust$692$1,21475.4%
Jeremy Agte$381$1,211217.8%
Dexter Laubach$2,402$1,208-49.7%
Ellen Kaye Kranz$1,897$1,200-36.7%
Donald B. Conrod$869$1,18135.9%
Hunter R. Chapman$0$1,179--
Elizabeth A. Jolley$1,298$1,176-9.4%
Sheila F. George$3,015$1,176-61%
James R. Pair$2,177$1,171-46.2%
Kathleen I. Hansen$2,177$1,171-46.2%
Milton W. Huff$550$1,168112.4%
Justin Don Perkins$1,165$1,1650%
Rosalyn Smith$2,077$1,164-44%
David L. Talbott$2,015$1,158-42.5%
Banbury Tribune, LLC$2,137$1,157-45.9%
Judith Jantz Gervais$1,724$1,150-33.3%
Elizabeth L. Tripp$899$1,15027.9%
Kellys Fresh Fish, Inc.$0$1,149--
Lyle Thompson$0$1,149--
Marwood Farms, LLC$1,136$1,1360%
Connie Williams$2,055$1,134-44.8%
Faye Broeckel$2,055$1,133-44.9%
Nola Schweiger$2,055$1,133-44.9%
Marvin a Tom Estate$2,226$1,132-49.1%
Marilyn Jane Vanders$4,862$1,119-77%
Clyde Hancock$2,106$1,108-47.4%
Kim H. Huynh$1,414$1,102-22.1%
Bblco, Inc.$2,832$1,100-61.2%
Victoria Locke Bartke$2,939$1,093-62.8%
Stanley & Rose Babcock Family Trust$0$1,087--
Durand Splater$2,989$1,083-63.8%
Leland F Gleysteen$2,194$1,081-50.7%
Rodney R Gleysteen JR$2,194$1,081-50.7%
H Kurt Howeler - Howeler Farm Trust$4,828$1,078-77.7%
Joseph Singson$1,077$1,0770%
Survivor Bee, LLC$0$1,071--
Michael Lotto$15,227$1,069-93%
Thomas F. Fox$2,491$1,066-57.2%
Marci M. McKay$0$1,063--
Cathy Jones$0$1,063--
Roland R. Smith$1,057$1,0570%
Dolores Judge$7,555$1,054-86%
John M. Lovejoy$2,047$1,047-48.9%
Susan J. Dunn$0$1,044--
Ruth J. Stoddard$461$1,028123%
Deelyle Bryan$0$1,028--
Frederick J. Krusemark$5,429$1,024-81.1%
Lara Elaine Bonow$426$1,018139%
Eric M. Bogin$3,752$1,012-73%
Howard Paul Freitag$1,804$1,011-44%
Mary Catherine Woolston$1,044$1,011-3.2%
R C Farms, LLC$429$1,011135.7%
Daniel J. Plaster$1,161$1,010-13%
John D. Hawkins$2,797$1,010-63.9%
Paul H. Hurn$1,313$1,009-23.2%
Charles L Fritschen$4,620$1,005-78.2%
Eleanor Skinner$287$1,002249.1%
Dixie L. Graham$1,277$988-22.6%
Mary Worley$1,520$976-35.8%
Elizabeth S. Bohlin$1,520$976-35.8%
Paul Nelson$1,442$970-32.7%
Gus A. Melonas$1,247$969-22.3%
Cheryl Nowacki$966$9660%
Lavonne I. Werle$1,627$958-41.1%
Gaining Ground, LLC$0$957--
William K Hayenga Trust$2,818$957-66%
Sandra Florence$0$956--
Drugge Enterprises, LLC$439$956117.8%
Jerre E. Bradt$1,932$947-51%
George W. Moore$2,022$941-53.5%
Catherine Su$941$9410%
Shirley Hobson$2,240$940-58%
Elizabeth Dahl Kingery$2,138$933-56.4%
Elaine Andersen Costello$774$92920%
Ediger Heritage, LLC$1,718$925-46.2%
Beverly J. Carlson$4,634$924-80.1%
Aspen Hollow Sheep Station, LLC$4,190$924-77.9%
Scott Robinson$474$91893.7%
Charlotte M North$582$91757.6%
Kurt N. Engstrom$1,355$910-32.8%
Totem 21, LLC$167$901439.5%
Thompson Real Property Trust$1,162$884-23.9%
Thelma M. Sutherland$2,564$867-66.2%
The Hubbard Living Trust-John Hubbard$2,054$866-57.8%
Jill Scott$859$8590%
Gaylene Altman$2,151$859-60.1%
Aimee E. Sherrill$0$858--
John I. Cherry$0$855--
Judith E. Cherry$0$855--
James T. Whaley$850$8500%
Bertha Jaeschke$3,377$849-74.9%
Roy Goodall$2,272$846-62.8%
Marie Perdue$845$8450%
Teri Roberts$1,524$844-44.6%
Brenda K. Ewert$0$842--
Elizabeth Johnson$1,046$842-19.5%
Irvin G. Sobek$1,845$840-54.5%
Sally Williams$1,418$840-40.8%
Robert D. Tucker$828$8280%
Kathryn Jans$2,519$826-67.2%
Gilbert Dutro$30,672$825-97.3%
Mark D. Johnson$631$82530.7%
Trudy G. Johnson$628$82431.2%
William R. Jolley$1,323$819-38.1%
Marjorie G Wilhite Rev Trust$3,447$816-76.3%
Demoss Family Trust - Carolyn Demoss$0$816--
RHP Fisheries, LLC$0$810--
Melody Crone$0$808--
Margaret R. Webb$946$801-15.3%
Cristina S. Pope$792$7920%
Darlene Miller Wendlick$551$78241.9%
Jakob E. Hedlund$3,258$775-76.2%
Lukas R. Hedlund$3,258$775-76.2%
Keith G. Ritland$1,366$773-43.4%
Hollace Kennedy$3,207$770-76%
Deborah L. Swan$3,603$767-78.7%
Deanne Bodeau$1,378$763-44.6%
Jessica R. Patterson$639$75718.5%
Earl C. Greninger$756$7560%
Angele Healy$1,005$755-24.9%
Cathy Godwin$753$7530%
Marilyn J. Onorati$752$7520%
Deena Allen$1,225$748-38.9%
Natalie S APPL Trust$1,202$747-37.9%
Regeneration Farm, LLC$0$747--
Bart M. Wenstrom$1,894$744-60.7%
Mari Lee$843$741-12.1%
Randy Lee$843$741-12.1%
Jeffrey Canham$553$73833.5%
Dean C. Hobson$1,987$736-63%
William K. Dole$1,518$734-51.6%
Aaron Bogart$1,052$734-30.2%
Anna Crawford$3,961$732-81.5%
Amy Mills L. Goldberg$0$731--
Terri L. Anderson$905$730-19.3%
Mitchell E. Holen$904$728-19.5%
Sharon L. Porter$904$728-19.5%
Gary Preugschat$1,171$724-38.2%
Jim G Galimanis$1,061$719-32.2%
Deloris J Sparling Trust Uta Dated August 2 2007$0$718--
Kristen L. Dotson$0$699--
Sandra K. Needham$1,414$698-50.6%
Gary/Virginia Cropp Family Trust$2,152$698-67.6%
Paul E Doane Declaration of Trust$697$6970%
Kathleen L. Anderson$1,185$694-41.4%
SNT FBO Kent Bradley Anderson U Will of Margaret Anderson RF$1,185$694-41.4%
Carlson Family PTSHP, Ltd.$1,877$689-63.3%
Vida Goldtooth$0$681--
Charles Lindemulder$3,335$670-79.9%
Helen Burstein$0$667--
Matthew Bates$0$664--
Paul Bates$0$664--
Reed D. Lommen$928$661-28.8%
Robert L. Lincecum$1,731$655-62.2%
Nicholas C. Vinzant$1,961$651-66.8%
Joann Hejtmanek Testmentary Trustee DTD 051392$762$634-16.8%
Pamela N. Jacobs$766$631-17.6%
Duke D. Dungan$1,865$631-66.2%
Paul M. Ness$766$631-17.6%
Songbird Haven Farm$0$625--
Julie Oleson$618$6180%
Lori B. Miller$1,424$617-56.7%
Nina Rose Snyder$1,304$614-52.9%
Kristian S. Olsen$0$611--
Theodore E. Herron$1,045$610-41.6%
Mary F. Abernethy$391$61056%
Gary V. Carlson$737$609-17.4%
Shane Hille$0$606--
JNC Farms, LLC$2,924$604-79.3%
James P. Phillips$886$602-32.1%
James S. Hansen$679$598-11.9%
Elaine Larsson$1,600$591-63.1%
Lazybird Farm, LLC$588$5880%
Linda A. Gerking$3,579$585-83.7%
Steven Wilson$0$582--
Layne M. Bautista$1,073$581-45.9%
Kenneth Wolhford Wohlf$220$577162.3%
Samantha Zeigler$159$577262.9%
1992 Evelyn Foster Read Trust C$1,146$573-50%
Philip H Wendt - Philip H Wendt Revocable Living Trust$1,847$568-69.2%
Ethel Deyoung$3,522$561-84.1%
Patricia A. Lockner$1,522$552-63.7%
Jeffrey C. Maneth$517$5516.6%
Darlene Jevne$213$545155.9%
Esther Maloney$974$538-44.8%
Cary Boyd Jr.$2,924$535-81.7%
Lisa Graham$2,137$533-75.1%
Carmen Swent-Deboer$856$532-37.9%
Peggy Edwards$1,245$532-57.3%
Neil Stach$767$532-30.6%
Allen Bailey$774$531-31.4%
Millard Jones Jr.$528$5280%
Justine Furutani$744$528-29%
George W James, LLC$1,391$519-62.7%
Robert C. Jenkins$2,283$516-77.4%
Glen M Aurdahl$0$515--
Marvin Wilde$891$510-42.8%
Deidra D. Munkers$643$510-20.7%
Ronna Mahlen$509$5090%
Rachel A. Birge$0$509--
Tracy Rathke$509$5090%
Gerald Dollinger$1,418$502-64.6%
Lucky Elephant Foods, SPC$0$500--
Fran's Chocolates, Ltd.$0$500--
Douglas G. Drape$1,191$494-58.5%
Elizabeth Crain$487$4870%
Marjorie E Killingsworth 2006 Living Trustee$0$486--
Glenda Dixon$0$466--
Banbury Pratt, LLC$1,338$460-65.6%
Lawrence G. Wilson$1,847$455-75.4%
Rose M Bichler Trust$1,185$451-61.9%
Robert C. Ferguson$449$4490%
Carrie Jenkins$1,322$447-66.2%
Sigrid Soini$1,529$446-70.8%
Patrick K. Holler$443$4430%
William Ray$443$4430%
Heather A. Rowland$1,121$441-60.7%
Jennifer Le Lynch$1,955$438-77.6%
Rebecca Brenowitz$598$426-28.8%
Donna M. McKinsey$664$417-37.2%
Duane Sokoloski$156$415166%
Carla Hamilton$649$414-36.2%
NW Wollert Farm, Inc.$1,068$410-61.6%
Diane Edwards$419$407-2.9%
Marshall R. Winget$1,581$404-74.4%
Linda Stephens$387$4013.6%
Janine Ritchie$1,147$400-65.1%
Melvina Jones$1,427$398-72.1%
Leroy C. Koehler$458$394-14%
Rose Winquist - Stockham$740$394-46.8%
Linda Pearl$392$3920%
Michele May Sherwin$500$390-22%
Carla Dietz$2,461$389-84.2%
Rudolf Farm, LLC$12,459$388-96.9%
Robin Walker$377$3841.9%
Irma Deeth$729$383-47.5%
Catherine Wixey$1,145$378-67%
Hendricks 12, LLC$388$376-3.1%
Michael Theisen -Theisen Jones Revocable Trust$0$375--
Gary J. Walter$762$373-51%
Kyle R. Bowman$757$370-51.1%
Rebecca D. Noble$2,531$362-85.7%
Bad Weather Farm$0$362--
Christopher J. Drape$843$362-57.1%
Jerry C. Meharg$634$362-42.9%
Thomas Bigford$516$361-30%
Larry Ostry$879$359-59.2%
Teresa Pierce$381$359-5.8%
Rachel Marie Ebeling$359$3590%
Roseburg Tomlinson& Tomlinson$672$354-47.3%
Lawana M. Green$353$3530%
Christian Sonnichsen$632$346-45.3%
William A. Fast$259$34533.2%
Corrine Jordan$664$335-49.5%
Annette Larson$1,266$333-73.7%
Champion Orchards, LLC$25,322$332-98.7%
Judy Josselet$0$329--
Brett K. Cheney$244$32533.2%
Nancy Gustafson$331$324-2.1%
Jacob S. Carstensen$617$322-47.8%
Richard Post$0$313--
Rebecca J. Bell$574$312-45.6%
Emily Ditty$0$307--
Sarah Chandler$540$306-43.3%
John P. Kraft$303$302-0.3%
Judith McDonald$463$301-35%
Christy Mua$191,320$300-99.8%
Dale Doornek$0$292--
Tom R. Currie$1,438$282-80.4%
Paul Henry$649$282-56.5%
Charles D Shannon MRTL Trustee Ua DTD 05-24-99$0$275--
Frederick D. Smith$0$273--
Ysidoro Ramos$0$271--
Dale Martin$830$271-67.3%
Irene Gudmundson$0$268--
Eric Weydahl$262$2620%
Jennifer Bright$262$2620%
Margaret S. McClellan$0$261--
Dolores Marlene Brainard$333$259-22.2%
Darryll & Linda Graber SD Land Trust$0$249--
Amy Huntley$122$24096.7%
Lance Larsen$468$237-49.4%
Glenn R. Gish$348$235-32.5%
Kari Lynn Hull$391$235-39.9%
Sheila M. Jolley$378$233-38.4%
Barbara J. Moore$232$2320%
Loretta Green$232$2320%
Brian Platt$839$232-72.3%
Kristin Rose$839$232-72.3%
Roderick Nelson$228$2280%
Ronnie G. Adkins$0$225--
Janet Boyle$294$224-23.8%
Elizabeth Isbell Nelson$284$221-22.2%
Meyer-Harmon Revocable Trust$215$2150%
Evan Fly$337$214-36.5%
K & E Legacy Properties, LLC$214$2140%
Gregory Traxler$206$2060%
Triple B Corporation$0$206--
Julie Reiman$451$203-55%
David D. Lowe$753$202-73.2%
Mary Melissa Atkins-Lowe$753$202-73.2%
Michael Larson$198$1980%
Norma J. Dyrdahl$2,969$194-93.5%
Carole E Rush Living Trust$572$189-67%
Herman C. Wilken$0$189--
Miriam D Brudie$417$183-56.1%
Moses Brown$723$183-74.7%
Michelle Burtoft$719$178-75.2%
Clinnie a Cannon$541$176-67.5%
Michael Chastain$488$175-64.1%
John K. Postlewait$453$169-62.7%
Linda G. Wold$0$169--
Lorna J. Walter$0$168--
Paul Marcus Goode Jr.$467$168-64%
Margo Alyce Toner$262$165-37%
Brown's Ferry Farms, LLC$276$164-40.6%
David Jensen$328$161-50.9%
Stephen Cline$1,363$161-88.2%
Dale Roberts$393$160-59.3%
Lloyd Wiebe$1,362$157-88.5%
Lisa S. Cowden$347$156-55%
Susan West$319$156-51.1%
James Louis Lemery$319$156-51.1%
Jonathan Soini$0$154--
Arlene Birkner$766$153-80%
Dale A. Winter$930$152-83.7%
Rebecca K Bounds-Petriello$0$151--
Jack Key Perry$310$145-53.2%
Thomas E. Brainard$401$144-64.1%
Kathy Anderson$0$144--
Beverley Dern Tubbs$251$142-43.4%
Darlene Adams$258$142-45%
Sara Ramos-Amador$0$141--
Caroline Treganowan$0$136--
Janet L. Gabriel$171$135-21.1%
Merlin-Merlin D Staatz and Clydene M Staatz$916$132-85.6%
Sara Ramos Amador$0$131--
Evan Lurton$268$130-51.5%
Cherie Ekholm$1,623$129-92.1%
Kathleen A. Norem$0$126--
Patricia Reddick$126$125-0.8%
David G. Brooke$168$124-26.2%
Carol Gregor$0$115--
Ann Wolf$107$1157.5%
Marilyn Ferguson Wolf$107$1157.5%
Simon Wolf$107$1157.5%
Donald E BRT$262$114-56.5%
Rudolph K. Johanson$0$113--
Patricia Schliep$112$1120%
Lowell L. Hargens Jr.$142$111-21.8%
Nancy Abab$161$109-32.3%
James Shannon$0$108--
Nancy Holland$247$104-57.9%
John A. Nelson$120$103-14.2%
Jerry Sheller$95$1038.4%
Brett Foster$0$102--
Karen Craig$0$100--
Jacob Bryan Saul$260$100-61.5%
Sally P. Craig$0$100--
Carolyn Houger$201$98-51.2%
Marilyn Griffin$201$98-51.2%
Emmy S. Bean$226$94-58.4%
Douglas B. French$120$90-25%
Gayle French Amorosi$120$90-25%
Susan F. Mooers$120$90-25%
Gregory H. Rickel$86$860%
Corre Spence$243$82-66.3%
Paul Leonard Dietrich$81$810%
Paul R. Harder$0$78--
Jessica Merizan$214$76-64.5%
Sabrina Roberts$124$76-38.7%
Samuelson Living Trust$147$75-49%
Crystal M. Bentley$78$72-7.7%
Opa and Oma, Inc.$1,308$70-94.6%
Bruce Schoonmaker$146$69-52.7%
Anakka Hartwell$0$66--
Kristen Parks$0$65--
Gastonia Farms, Inc.$221$64-71%
Walter C Tubandt & Susan J Tubandt Living Trust$0$62--
Susan Creech$0$61--
Sara S Frikken$177$59-66.7%
John A. Moore$502$59-88.2%
Sally Simonson$90$58-35.6%
Robin M. Henrich$327$53-83.8%
Philip Johnson$159$52-67.3%
Bruce Hansen$51$510%
Brooke Jenae Nearman$78$49-37.2%
Eugene James Peterson$48$480%
David Peterson$75$39-48%
Linda Lee Sanchez$67$33-50.7%
Patrick Andersen$65$32-50.8%
Samuel R Casne$63$32-49.2%
North Dakota Land Partnership$539$30-94.4%
Gordon Bradley-Gordon & Jacklyn Bradley Family Trust$0$27--
Lisa McMillan$29$23-20.7%
Julie E. Baxter$35$17-51.4%
Lyle L. Kenney$4$1-75%
Aria Vineyard Walla Walla, LLP$1,569$0-100%
Brenda K. Ewert$1,946$0-100%
David T Lyons-Lyons Family Ranch$12,635$0-100%
Donald Lewis Miles Estate$3,332$0-100%
Edward McNeill$2,167$0-100%
Edwin C. Kragh$240$0-100%
Elwood Family Ranch, LLC$14,001$0-100%
Hegyvary Enterprises, LLC$1,550$0-100%
Heidi L. Olson$77$0-100%
Larry A. Shaw$3,129$0-100%
Lula June Mckinney--Lula J Mckinn$2,555$0-100%
Lynn Bingisser$1,054$0-100%
Palo Alto Orchard, LLC$186,735$0-100%
Richard James Hayden Jr.$6,583$0-100%
Sullivan Ranch, LLC$2,956$0-100%
Verlea Fox$445$0-100%
Verne J. Campbell$1,482$0-100%
Vince Coluccio Jr.$13,247$0-100%
Alan Jacklet$101,621$0-100%
Gust H. Bardy$396$0-100%
Kevin Rust$863$0-100%
FHB Holdings, LLC$2,354$0-100%
Vanginneken Agriculture, LLC$1,398$0-100%
Barbara G. Stensland$1,982$0-100%
Heidi M. Kuester$212$0-100%
Jacklyn S. Kuester$212$0-100%
Janice E. Officer$28$0-100%
Karen Friesen$2,856$0-100%
Kenneth Jorstad$1,087$0-100%
Kristina Wood$797$0-100%
Richard L. Kuester$212$0-100%
Roberta Ann Brooks$1,243$0-100%
Philip Carl Aronson$4,631$0-100%
Bert Carlson Farms, Inc.$1,219$0-100%
James E. Ouillette$3,266$0-100%
Kerry S. Holsing$51$0-100%
Marjorie E Killingsworth 2006 Liv$3,348$0-100%
Marjorie E Killingsworth 2006 Trustee$831$0-100%
Marjorie Killingsworth 2006$330$0-100%
Alex J. Elder$350$0-100%
Joseph J Princen JR$19,875$0-100%
Justin A. Casselman$544$0-100%
Kay Ach$274$0-100%
Sharon A. Morehouse$12,193$0-100%
Stanley Smith$2,117$0-100%
Top Red Orchard$14,585$0-100%
Badger Canyon Trust, LLC$20,081$0-100%
Dale S Krasser Rev Inter Vivos Trustee$9,804$0-100%
Daniel Durick$4,160$0-100%
David Dreyer Riely$329$0-100%
Evelyn Sneva$808$0-100%
Michael Stuber$3,410$0-100%
Nicholas E. Steckman Estate$2,492$0-100%
R D Timm, Inc.$13,325$0-100%
Ronald Konkel - Ronald Konkel Trust Konkel$477$0-100%
Ruby F Kittle Family Trust$5,208$0-100%
Sara Jensen$779$0-100%
Shannon F. Jones$547$0-100%
Timmland, Inc.$9,684$0-100%
Willard W. Gudmundson$268$0-100%
Demoss Family Trust - Carolyn Dem$816$0-100%
Don Lynch$301$0-100%
Helen E Webster Family Trust$4,080$0-100%
Leann Vanalstine Trust$641$0-100%
Linda Seyffer$61$0-100%
Sally Nordquist$457$0-100%
Betty Berg Farm, LLC$4,975$0-100%
Elexa Smith$2,385$0-100%
Harlan C and Jeanette C Troftgrub$1,572$0-100%
M David Walen Family Trust Dated$2,697$0-100%
Marilyn Meier$1,195$0-100%
Mark A. Elder$350$0-100%
Robert Byrd$2,277$0-100%
Sarah Davidson$655$0-100%
Stoney Butte Farms, Inc.$3,476$0-100%
William D. Palmer$5,892$0-100%
Carla M. Marsh$2,710$0-100%
Chad Trani$1,943$0-100%
Christopher G Glassmoyer$3,151$0-100%
Donald A. Fleming$304$0-100%
Heartland Heritage, LLC$2,829$0-100%
Helgeson Orchards, LLC$23,325$0-100%
Kirk Callison$98$0-100%
Patrick Carroll$181$0-100%
Richard R. McClung$18$0-100%
Richard S. Hanson$3,079$0-100%
Samuel J. Elder$700$0-100%
West Valley Ranch, LLC$187,602$0-100%
Nancy Mckay Burton$140$0-100%
Patricia M. Scheibel$8,463$0-100%
Paul D. Burton$1,755$0-100%
Zlab - Deceased - Family Trust$1,207$0-100%
Christina Nicholson$424$0-100%
AL Schwider$3,776$0-100%
Jeffrey Mollison$19,342$0-100%
Nadine Ann Safly Christianson$8,998$0-100%
Oen Family Trust U/A 9-16-03 - 20$12,690$0-100%
Sohal Farm, LLC$14,916$0-100%
Ann S. Woodliff$114$0-100%
George H. Carpenter$107$0-100%
John E. Bell$1,736$0-100%
Shahrazad Farms, LLC$111,358$0-100%
Buck Mountain Ranch, LLC$2,800$0-100%
Cedar Hills Estates, LLC$2,800$0-100%
Douglas C. Gillan$1,189$0-100%
Drew Carr$21,517$0-100%
Fred Crothamel$26,673$0-100%
Janice Konzek$2,705$0-100%
JMCG, LLC$403$0-100%
Kimberly Baker$6,491$0-100%
Linda L. Struthers$538$0-100%
Linda L Struthers - Big Daddys Fa$15,028$0-100%
Kevin L. Cronic$230$0-100%
Mark R Dobszinsky$93,688$0-100%
Thomas J. O'Sullivan$142,063$0-100%
William S. Phillips$16,388$0-100%
Norsel, LLC$101,252$0-100%
Ramona J Schroeder Trustee No 0208952$1,965$0-100%
Brian Lieuallen$1,459$0-100%
Harry H. Sievers$721$0-100%
Hempler Sisters, LLC$2,185$0-100%
James H. Lyons$11,328$0-100%
Lori Blumhagen$1,959$0-100%
Sharon Hempler$1,009$0-100%
Steve Thompson$701$0-100%
Adeline M Bishop Living Trust$2,773$0-100%
C Lazy K Ranch, LLC$7,869$0-100%
Christopher L. Nutt$3,776$0-100%
Darryll & Linda Graber SD Land Trustee$508$0-100%
Eleanor J Basaraba Living Trust$734$0-100%
Elizabeth Toner$9,535$0-100%
Erik J. Strom$1,375$0-100%
Gregory W. Swanson$1,185$0-100%
Hardung Family Revocable Living T$8,634$0-100%
Janell Swanke$467$0-100%
John & Margaret Fleming Trustee$4,984$0-100%
John C. Wardell$4,295$0-100%
Kenneth D. Schellhase$3,630$0-100%
Kenneth Mcmillan, Inc.$724$0-100%
Laverna Bechtol$11,705$0-100%
Lois M Mcmillan Testamentary Trus$4,530$0-100%
Ralph V. Stuart Jr.$65$0-100%
Stanley & Rose Babcock Family Trustee$2,738$0-100%
Stickley Ranch, LLC$1,088$0-100%
D & M Orchards, LLC$10,089$0-100%
Grand Island, LLC$7,002$0-100%
Karl Blumhagen$491$0-100%
Patricia Adam$1,319$0-100%
Adam Knippa L. Milam$2,752$0-100%
Allen P Martin Credit Shelter Trustee$4,068$0-100%
Andrew B. Marrese II$108,664$0-100%
Andrew Olsen$3,200$0-100%
Barry B. Schmidt$35,138$0-100%
Barry J Dedobbeleer$4,082$0-100%
Betty Butler$2,238$0-100%
Beverley J. Ericson$752$0-100%
Big Bin Ranch, LLC$89,878$0-100%
Bill Mundy$50$0-100%
Bonnie Talkington$1,027$0-100%
Carol J. Buchholz$741$0-100%
Casey Campbell$2,523$0-100%
Charlene Gramling$726$0-100%
Charles D Shannon MRTL Trustee Ua DTD$216$0-100%
Charles Shull III$10,608$0-100%
Coralee Liljenberg$421$0-100%
David Knippa$789$0-100%
Deloris J Sparling Trust Uta Date$468$0-100%
Dennis Hergert$859$0-100%
Dombrowski Family Trust$441$0-100%
Dominic Bova$26,377$0-100%
Donovan Butler Estate$434$0-100%
Dorothy O Drake Estate$5,347$0-100%
Douglas M Kaino$8,513$0-100%
Duane Stensland$12,229$0-100%
Eleanor R Sundqvist$785$0-100%
Elizabeth Gale Deutsch Inheritanc$1,293$0-100%
Elusive, LLC$64,820$0-100%
Eric E. Brown$1,109$0-100%
Eric Ott$3,302$0-100%
Eric Sateren$4,972$0-100%
Erik Blumhagen$488$0-100%
Erik Maudslien$36,288$0-100%
Fintan Limited$112,827$0-100%
Floyd C. Moore$6,576$0-100%
FV Equator, Inc.$26,150$0-100%
FV Motive, LLC$11,749$0-100%
FV Natalie Gail, LLC$134,812$0-100%
Geraldine M. Fite$2,704$0-100%
Girl Scouts of Western Washington$779$0-100%
Hannah Loveless Blackstock$56$0-100%
Harvey Bergeron Testamentary Trus$3,604$0-100%
Helen Barr$1,366$0-100%
Henrietta Ottersen$2,187$0-100%
J W B, LLC$1,313$0-100%
James E. Allison$16,470$0-100%
James Niblack$496$0-100%
Janet Strand-Selby$43,773$0-100%
Jay C Mcdowell Trust$4,539$0-100%
Jeffery Lynn Horton$468$0-100%
Jerald Ray Welsh Rev Trustee$3,048$0-100%
Joan E. Rogers$3,354$0-100%
John D Sethre$1,025$0-100%
Johnson Family Trust$169$0-100%
Judy Farrington$166$0-100%
Kathrine Mae Loveless$56$0-100%
Kendra Cardella-Soto$3,455$0-100%
Kenneth Ng$223$0-100%
Leroy Noteboom Revocable Living T$7,400$0-100%
Lilly Lilly E Ager Family Trust$2,508$0-100%
Linda L. Schmidt$33,476$0-100%
Linda Wold$1,260$0-100%
Loren G. Kragh$120$0-100%
Lori Branham$120$0-100%
Mantz Mckinney Ranch, LLC$736$0-100%
Mara Strandlund Trust$101$0-100%
Marci M. McKay$3,466$0-100%
Margaret E. Saunders$9,848$0-100%
Mark Rinker$101$0-100%
Markley Family Trust$3,114$0-100%
Mary Kay Steinmetz$238$0-100%
Marzetta Rutherford$4,250$0-100%
McDowell Ho$2,213$0-100%
McDowell Ho Fam Tr$53$0-100%
Merrilyn Sweeney$295$0-100%
Michael C. Gies$1,492$0-100%
Michael Theisen -theisen Jones Re$732$0-100%
Michaele Wilken$388$0-100%
MVV Flats Irrevocable Trust$685$0-100%
Nancy F. Kragh$101$0-100%
Nelson Road Tree Farm, LLC$32,780$0-100%
Peacefulness, LLC$3,567$0-100%
Pete Chikos$3,057$0-100%
Philip A. Shoup$6,621$0-100%
Phish, Inc.$80,585$0-100%
Renee E. Dawson$1,416$0-100%
Rio LA Guinda Group, LLC$11,960$0-100%
Robert Seffernick$545$0-100%
Ronald R. Henry$88,171$0-100%
Rubarb, LLC$1,970$0-100%
Rush Fisheries, LLC$63,622$0-100%
Sean Fansler$10,075$0-100%
Sondra F. Brasher$601$0-100%
Spoon Full Farm, LLC$375$0-100%
Stephen L. Talbott$1,964$0-100%
Strenge Ventures Partnership, Ltd.$3,027$0-100%
Susan K. Cain$3,188$0-100%
The Waters Ranch LMTD Liability C$10,628$0-100%
Timothy Johnson$857$0-100%
Timothy S. Jensen$13,601$0-100%
Torben Ole Goodhope Revocable Trustee$688$0-100%
Willard E Kaufman Family IRR Trust$2,980$0-100%
William A. Gardner$23,727$0-100%
William Britton$852$0-100%
William Kenneth Ng$40$0-100%
Abundrant Fisheries, LLC$15,414$0-100%
Blaine N. Rhodes$1,299$0-100%
Christine Oakshott$255$0-100%
Christopher M. Bryan$417$0-100%
FV Double Bluff, LLC$36,034$0-100%
HI Standard Fisheries, Inc.$35,780$0-100%
Kanada Fishing, Inc.$26,564$0-100%
Rex Davis$134$0-100%
Shirley Kaye Petersen Estate$5,376$0-100%
James K Killingsworth Disclaimer$4,727$0-100%
Jeremy Despain$6,019$0-100%
Carr Family Farms, LLC$3,154$0-100%
FV Shannon, Inc.$87,110$0-100%
Kate Riley$1,225$0-100%
Theodore S. Lewis$4,886$0-100%
Aeschliman Rev LV Trustee$5,857$0-100%
Brett A. Wagner$103$0-100%
Chelan Organics, LLC$83,571$0-100%
Corlett Family Decedents Trust B$7,436$0-100%
Gilbert Dutro$99$0-100%
John McHenry$1,481$0-100%
Laura McHenry$583$0-100%
Linda Koss$2,640$0-100%
Madigan, LLC$1,324$0-100%
Paul N. Carson$4,182$0-100%
Robin Kletke$1,510$0-100%
Ronald R. Beck$1,476$0-100%
Seymour Vessel, Inc.$19,762$0-100%
Tatley Farms, LLC$35,081$0-100%
Vicki Michelle Welter$770$0-100%
Walter C and Susan J Tubandt Livi$813$0-100%
Patricia J. Malen$155$0-100%
Total subsidies$11,191,282$17,764,82758.7%