Adam Smith tweeted the following:
"ICYMI: Last week I introduced the Aviation Impacted Communities Act, which would help communities near airports and air-flight pathways address aviation-related noise and emissions pollution in an equitable way. Learn"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Adam Smith:
"If this draft opinion becomes the final ruling of the Supreme Court, tens of millions of Americans will have their right to make deeply personal medical decisions about their own bodies and futures stripped away overnight." on May 28Read on Twitter
"Join me for a panel discussion with leaders from abortion rights organizations in Washington State to discuss what we can expect in a post-Roe world here at home and in states across the country, including the broader implications of this decision for civil rights." on May 28Read on Twitter
"The virtual event will take place on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:00 PM PT. More information is available on my" on May 28Read on Twitter